Section: Software


Participants : Benoit Baudry, Juan-Jose Cadavid Gomez, Benoit Combemale, Xavier Dolques, Hajanirina Johary Rambelontsalama, Didier Vojtisek [correspondant] .

Pramana is an open-source tool, which automatically generates valid instances of a metamodel. These instances can then be used for analysis, verification, simulation or validation of the metamodel. The core mechanism for model generation relies on the bounded constraint-solver of Alloy, a lightweight model checker developed at the MIT. Alloy is integrated in Kermeta to allow the generation of instances of Ecore or Kermeta metamodels. Pramana implements this integration through a series of transformations and analysis, all implemented in Kermeta.

Metamodel instances can be used as input data for model transformation testing, and in particular for the testing of Kermeta code. For this purpose Pramana includes the K-Yeti module implementing a binding between the Kermeta language and the generic testing framework Yeti (York Extensible Testing Infrastructure, Cf. http://www.yetitest.org/ ). This module allows a Kermeta user to automatically run test cases.

See also the web page https://www.irisa.fr/triskell/Softwares/pramana .

  • Version: 1.0

  • Programming language: Java, Alloy, Kermeta